Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Stroller Graveyard

Maybe you have heard of the airplane graveyard. It sits outside of Tuscan, housing thousands of old airplanes. They sit quietly in the desert waiting for their fate. Some are turned to scrap. Some are used for missile practice. Some are salvaged for scraps.

I have something like that in my garage. I like to call my collection the stroller graveyard. My daughter is almost three and in the three years she has spent on this earth, she has amassed a huge stroller collection. Who would have known that one little toddler could use so many modes of transportation.

We have the travel system. This is the stroller that includes the base and carrier that is used as a car seat. Then we have the lighter stroller she graduated into once she no longer needed the carrier cars eat. There are the countless umbrella strollers that were usually purchased because we were out for the day and suddenly realized we didn't pack the stroller. There is the jogging stroller and the jeep stroller that was purchased for no other reason than the fact that it has a steering wheel and my wonderful husband couldn't say no when my daughter looked up at him with her big green eyes while playing with it in the store.

Now that my daughter is basically out of strollers, they are all sitting in the stroller graveyard, waiting for the day they can once again be useful. That day is coming, as we just discovered that we have a baby on the way. My husband and I have vowed to each other that we will not be purchasing any more strollers for the new baby. If we do, we might have to get rid of a car just to have room in the garage for them. We don't even plan to purchase a sit and stand. We figure that our daughter will be three when the new baby is born. It is time for her to get used to using her legs like the rest of us.

Of course there is a stroller that has caught my eye...maybe one more wouldn't hurt...this one just looks so fun...I just might have to buy it...what do you think?

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