Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Thing About John Edwards...

Here's the thing. John Edwards is one of those carved out of cream cheese guys that seem to swarm onto the political scene. A year ago, he had it all. He was certainly a viable candidate running for President of the United States of America. He had his fans. With his family values and sick wife to garner him the sympathy vote, he stood to do well. He had the clean cut, middle aged good looks that would win him the female, swooned over Bill Clinton, set. He was from the south, giving him an edge down there. He was political gold, but even then, I wouldn't have voted for him.

Now I have a million reasons why I wouldn't vote for a liberal candidate. Obviously, his left leaning political views don't quite mesh with mine, but I must confess that isn't the biggest reason he never had my support. It was the hair. OK...I know that sounds shallow, but if people decided they liked Clinton based on his saxophone skills, I think they can give me a pass for disliking Edwards based on that mop that rides on top of his head.

When I came out with my hair issues last year, my more liberal friends rolled their eyes and jumped all over me. They couldn't believe I was shallow enough to base my support of a candidate on hair. I told them that I wasn't shallow. I was just using good old fashioned common sense...something that seems in short supply these days.

It wasn't so much that I didn't like the haircut. It was the fact that he paid $400 for that hair. I mean, if a guy pays $400 for a haircut, shouldn't it look better than that? What does that say about the guy's judgement? Do you really want a guy serving as your Commander in Chief, that thinks that haircut was worth $400? I have seen better hair coming out of Supercuts for a mere $9.95. It shows a complete lack of common sense and good judgement...two things I value in a candidate.

My friends laughed at me back then, but ever since the Enquirer broke the story of Rielle and the mainstream media finally joined the party and corroborated their headlines, they are having a hard time arguing that John Edwards has good judgement. We don't even have to get into the morality of the situation, just the fact that he did a woman that looks like Camilla Parker Bowles, is enough to tarnish anyone's opinion on the man's judgement.